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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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shemmy's gone edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:

Try to keep these to a minimum: Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting
>PPH trackers: https://marge.moe/ https://soygem.party/stats.php https://soyjak.link/
>Archive gemmy threads: https://archive.is https://ghostarchive.org https://megalodon.jp/
>View past threads: https://archive.is search - https://archive.marge.moe/ (warning: use latter with VPN/TOR)
Past happenings:
Previous thread:


I think the shemmy got shutdown or something, is this an happening?




Nothing ever happens


https://soygem.party was changed into a faq page and an domain auction announcment page.
https://soygem.party/ (https://archive.ph/r4UKw)
archive of the vid attached in the page: https://files.catbox.moe/uavcc7.mp4


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zarty's /zellig/ 59999 and 60000 GETS was amerimutt and a picture of jax from TDAC respectively.
59999 GET
https://soyzellig.party/zellig/res/59619.html#q59999 (https://archive.md/hF8Ea#q59999)
60000 GET
https://soyzellig.party/zellig/res/59619.html#q60000 (https://archive.md/hF8Ea#q60000)


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the auction for soygem.party and basedgem.party domain will end in 1 day and 11 hour.
RossoTX currently takes the lead at 760$
the second and third place belongs to snoot and YoLoCoJo at 700$ and 650$ respectively

https://soygem.party/ (https://archive.ph/Vfrn8)


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the auction will end in 23 hours
snoot now takes the lead at 700$ since RossoTX has completely disappearead from the rankings for some reason

https://soygem.party/ (https://archive.md/flNZo)


both the sharty and the shlog went down for a few minutes


the auction will end in less than 7 minutes
snoot is currently the highest bidder at 700$


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the auction has ended and the highest bidder has 24 hours to respond, and if the bidder does not respond in time the next highest bidder will be chosen instead
https://soygem.party/ (https://archive.md/L5bFc)


site got sold


https://soygem.party/ was changed into a page with only the word "SOLD" along with a picture of a man pig attached
https://soygem.party/ (https://archive.md/ouxjn)


the jarty has returned


soyjak.st was deleted by hitler


i don't think this happened


If you click on the image it will become weird


if you hover on the image. the background turns black and the image is covered in red markers, wingdings and glitch effects.
The wingdings translates to "I GOT RAPED BY JOHN PORK"
https://soygem.party/ (https://archive.ph/4aBJN)
image: https://soygem.party/johnpork2.jpg (https://archive.ph/iXSDk)


the shemmy has shut down.



sharty's /soy/ 10M and 9999999 GETS were stolen by furfags. In return the jannies renamed "/bp/ - Bipedal Animals/Petroleum" to "/bp/ - Petroleum" and added a new section of rule 5 that says "Furry media and discussion is banned outside of /bp/."
10M GET:
https://soyjak.st/soy/thread/9994317.html#q10000000 (https://archive.ph/xnjVQ#q10000000)
9999999 GET:
/bp/: https://soyjak.st/bp/
rule page: https://soyjak.st/rules.html


lol sharty jannies are so pathetic


Rare Sharty janny W


They have changed the site rules to discriminate against furries more.
Nobody knows if this is temporary or what is going on.

chuds are celebrating because they got the site to be more shitty and rulecucked ofc. they spammed /bp/ for two days straight after the get out of pure seethe
now they are spamming antifurry shit on the log
posting furry will get you banned for 1 day


its even banned on /nate/
everyday the sharty becomes shittier



The Sharty keeps getting better, (((zoophiles))) lost


>ban everything I don't like
nah dude. censorship is fucking coal



the message "The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, we might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later. Error information:" keeps appearing when i try to post on the shemmy. I'm not sure if it's ddos or not.


shemmy got spammed with child porn and now might have been taken down


Literal baby 'p


Shemmy.tv is gone for most likely ever
The site will redirect to my archive


I'm disappointed all of this turned out the way it did and I had lodes of hope for the shemmy even some during this era
That's all gone now…
There is no point in clinging on though. I hope you all enjoy looking back at the archive


fuck sake. are there any half decent soyjak sites left now that aren't dead or infested with retards?


No, it's over




wolf what happened to https://shemmy.org/


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Works on my machine




any updates on shemmy.tv did poly say anything


xie has killed xirself


Shemmy.tv now has Russian text that translates to "Crimea is ours".


Vadim larping because the shemmy got spammed with zigger culture (baby rape)


https://shemmy.org/ now redirects to this vid for some reason
https://shemmy.org/ (https://archive.ph/qSYPp)


>for some reason
It's for a very obvious reason, that being: it's over, isn't it?


multiple links to the /zellig/ board was added to zarty's top bar
https://soyzellig.party/q/res/4496.html (https://archive.ph/4LmRz)


I hate wasted potential that shit crushes your spirit


the old shemmy booru basedonions.site, owned by former shemmy admin Lee, who redirected soygem.party to a lolicon website, now redirects to a race fetish website. I am not archiving this.


fuck this shit nigga i wanna waste my time on the shemmy but now poly is in jail and vadim will never bring it back


shemmy.tv changed again, someone on desktop screenshot it for me because if i screenshotted it from my goyphone it would look even shittier



the text roughly translates to "the kremlin is ours"


When will they quit this larp and bring back the website


Shemmy.org archive is up
Can I get a kiss and can you make it last forever? I said I'm about to go to war. I don't know if I'm going to see you again…




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the sharty is holding an event called "Direct Democracy Week" where user will be able to implement and revoke any rule in the soyjak.party ruleset by starting a vote in the poll thread. As a result, new rules were added to the rule page and two new boards /leaf/ - Canadians and /birthday/ - Birthday was created today
Announcement thread: https://soyjak.st/soy/thread/10265593.html (https://archive.ph/kX80u)
Poll thread: https://soyjak.st/soy/thread/10269805.html (https://archive.ph/YT0vc)
https://soyjak.st/birthday/index.html (https://archive.ph/JHicM)
https://soyjak.st/leaf/index.html (https://archive.ph/3OAuj)


The event is over


forgot images


>poly is in jail
>poly is in jail
>poly is in jail
>poly is in jail
>poly is in jail


froot made an announcement on sharty's /soy/
https://soyjak.st/soy/thread/10294428.html (https://archive.ph/rnYLz)

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