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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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>you will not make a sexuality for only being attracted to attractive people


>trans black bulls are human black bulls


why this dead website still up shakeycucks?


sup chads






what would happen to the world if every chud got turned into a diaper troon?


why do you post these when nobody replies


>all men being kings le good even though that means all women are princesses which means they are justified in being entitled

File: 1739256480501.jpeg (17.66 KB, 258x252, a24.jpeg)ImgOps Google Yandex


when you pull an uno reverse card on a black bull trying to give you a whiteboi beatdown


>that's not how it works sweety read a book




what should this place be called? the shakky? the shakke? the shakey? shakeu? (pronounced shakey-oo)


nothing because nobody uses this website


The Jakey


the sake
pronounced like the japanese word


the shakey btw spaztics won

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