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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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>its adam and eve not adam, eve and tyrone


read all of this it's important
(credits to: feralteen. originally from https://archive.md/MF1xO)




>its chips and crisps not fries and chips
bro are british people esls? they make a lot of pointless changes to the english language for no reason


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get in


what the hell is this place


get in we chill in here


>witches didn't actually worship satan but if they did that would be awesome


>unmasked, keyed and soysphere splinter using man is king


>y'all ungrateful when i saved the lives of every vaxxie from dying from it so i'm sending another great flood


>unmasked, keyed and 4chan using man is king


>masked, caged and reddit using man is king


never forget what they took from you

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