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>cowgirl position bad even though it represents the earth being above the sky which is just like australia so by saying its bad you are anti-australian


>women good even though they are all fundamentally obsessed with black men which means the tenants of racial and gender equality cannot be upheld at the same time


>chudcels bad because they are emasculated losers even though being an emasculated loser is feminist so maybe chuds are just more feminist than me

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>catholicism le bad even though it says if you brutally murder someone they would probs go to hell because they would die having negative thoughts meanwhile the same guy could go to heaven because he could repent during death which means you have theological justification for putting your enemies in hell

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Classic shemmy soyquotes
ITT: we share classic shemmy soyquotes
>Chuds oppose trans rights because it means trans right to take bbc and they are timmycels

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