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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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whats up?


actual conversation I saw on the sharty today

"Pepe is a nazi gem meanwhile soyjack is for twitter ploppahs to say trans rights and force the MAP agenda"

"how can we make sure soyjaks are nazi then"

nusoi/pol/cacas are so cooked


how's it going?


I'm bored :P






i'm fine


>women good even though they are more likely to call the cops on unarmed black men invading their homes while men would just shoot them which means they are more likely to be complicit in police brutality


>you will not call the cops on unarmed women who rejected you, you will only call the cops on armed women who rejected you incel


old toss


>women bad even though they call the cops on ugly men who ask them out which wastes time they could be spending killing unarmed black men


>y'all sucka's ain't as ballin' as me


>going over to the spook side


old toss

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