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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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>making fun of the ugly ones and gooning to the hot ones isn't transphobic your a hypocrite chuddy even though theirs an entire movement calling women misandrist for doing exactly that to men


>owner brought a black human into the house and now i can't find my favourite toy, fucking liberals i swear



Version: 1.20.4
How to join:
-Install prism launcher
-make an instance for 1.20.4
-for mod installer, select fabric
-download these mods https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glEPhFD9uwzyH9Tpy1e3JJRsSXuInhx2/view?usp=drive_link and put them into your instance's mod folder
-launch and join
We have tried numerous times to get the modpack approved by curseforge tranny jannies but they keep leaking and denying it and it taked 40 hours to get it approved. You're going to have to trust me when I say that there is 0 malware or any bad piece of software in the modpack. It's literally all just mods. Server is currently open.


forget the google drive here is the mod pack (just download this mrpack with all the mods and open an instance in any launcher it should work) https://files.catbox.moe/r8oj6s.mrpack


>gigachad bad because he's an exagerrated caricature of masculinity made by women so men wouldn't feel the need to make 3 hour video essays which would actually have a chance of converting other people to their opinion but instead encouraging useless fighting amongst men so they don't rise up and defeat feminism and hypergamy


>go woke get rich because braindead consumers matter more then smart right wing investors who will pull out stocks from your company every time you feature a strong woman or smart black in your movies


>go woke go broke even though everyone who consumes products is a left wing loser who believes in strong women and smart blacks while all right wing men spend their time lifting, making smart investment oppurtunities and reading philosophy from dead guys so its pretty natural all woke products will make more money


bros just found out women are actually attracted to men and don't just fuck them for the money and to have kids
i think i won't be fucking a woman now, maybe i'll fuck a femboy they seem like they are attracted to money


>when your wife doesn't cuck you with tyrone so you lose 10'000 reddit karma so you are going to enjoy a less prosperous afterlife


>high reddit karma made my dick grow 1 inch


>anthropic principle

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