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nobody knows this site is up
how do we advertise without being banned?


im bored also hii




>its a face only a mother could love even though terminally online incels also love that kind of face


>women should stop having sex with supermodels and start having sex with gamers

File: 1739423377416.png (38.26 KB, 1430x1162, mom.png)ImgOps Google Yandex


>fat acceptance le good even though being fat indicates you are a more impulsive person because uh i still deserve a 7 figure chad boyfriend and not just a side fling with a chadlite and a 6 figure betabux man


>i'm going to destroy civilisation because i don't get sex


>women bad even though they are willing to ensure vast portions of the population remain sexless and unloved based on something as arbitrary and useless as attractiveness which is actually kinda metal


>let people enjoy things even though struggle is the key to a fufilling life


>have sex even doe assholes are more likely to do that because um transphobes are actually nice guys who want to help people live healthier, happier lives


>having children bad even though it would help make the future more better call saul and less rethuglican religious people

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